Sponsors & Exhibitors

We invite you to be an integral part of this transformative journey. Your support as a sponsor will not only contribute to the success of the conference but will also play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery in rural Texas. By aligning your brand with our vision, you demonstrate a commitment to fostering excellence, bridging gaps, and strengthening the fabric of rural communities. 

Conference Highlights:


  • First-ever rural-focused conference in Texas for rural physicians and advanced practitioners.
  • Engaging Sessions on Life as a Rural Practitioner
  • In-depth Discussions on Clinical Practices & Scope of Practice.
  • Importance of Medical Education in Rural Healthcare.
  • Networking to Create a Strong Community of Rural Practitioners.

Why Sponsor?


  • Financial Sense: Cost-effective way for your company to reach rural Texas Practitioners.
  • Face Time: Engaging face-to-face time at our networking opportunities is the fastest way to build relationships, strengthen current relationships, and build brand awareness. 
  • Fresh Faces: Spend one-on-one time with practitioners from clinics and hospitals all over Texas. 
  • FOMO: Being absent from the largest gathering of rural practitioners in Texas puts competitors on top in the minds of our attendees.

Benefits to Sponsors:


  • Access to Diverse Network of Healthcare Professionals.
  • Branding Opportunities on Merchandise and Materials.
  • Recognition on website, and in both Pre-Conference and Post-Conference Communications.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

For questions, please contact Cassie Shelton, Program Manager, at med-ruralmedicine@tamu.edu or by calling 979-436-0536